31 Powerful, Original Quotes for Leaders: Daily Quotes to Hone Your Leadership Skills
Leaders, start your day off right with these powerful, original leadership quotes.
Author, executive, and technologist Dr. Milton Mattox compiles his years of experience, original quotes, and most powerful mantras into one life-changing book. By sharing these quotes, he hopes to encourage other leaders, professionals, and aspiring leaders to keep advancing their mindsets.
If you’ve been searching for a 31-day push to take your thinking to the next level, then this book is a must-read!
In this comprehensive and encouraging book, Dr. Milton Mattox explains the seven key decisions that lead to greater happiness and a more fulfilling life. By giving readers the information they need to successfully break down each decision into key steps and milestones, this book helps readers form their own roadmap to taking charge of their choices and finding happiness every day.
It’s Your Decision will teach you:
- The Seven Key Decisions you need to make in order to find genuine, lasting happiness.
- Why choices are the defining factor of any life – and how to make good ones.
- How to design your own path forward, pursuing goals that are important and achievable for YOU.
- Why your current circumstances don’t need to impact your happiness!
- How making choices leads to decisive action that will turn your life around.
- How to reflect meaningfully on your process using journaling (journal space included inside and online!)
If you’re tired of standing on the sidelines of your own life and ready to stop being a victim of circumstance, It’s Your Decision will take you from that first baby step, right through to the big decisions that bring even greater joy.